4.3 Merge/Break Up Surveys

4.3 Merge/Break Up Surveys
The Merge/Break Up Surveys tool is listed under the Tools menu. It is designed to allow multiple surveys to be converted to bands within a single survey, or to make a copy of individual bands of a survey as separate surveys. Merging surveys is necessary for combining data using various methods including the red, green, and blue band radio buttons, Principal Components Analysis (PCA), mathematical operations between datasets (see Band Calculator), etc. When Merge/Break Up Surveys is used, the new survey must have bands with the same size and number of pixels, so data will be resampled. You can select specific parameters for this, or check the option to keep the resolution of the base layer.

Define Output Resolution

1. Define Output Resolution
The options at the top of this dialogue allow the output file dimensions and resolution to be defined.
If Set Tile Size is Chosen (shown), enter a New Tile Size X and Y in the boxes at the bottom of this region. These are the number of columns and rows that will be created by resampling if necessary.
If Set Pixel Size is chosen (shown), enter a New Pixel Size X and Y in meters or fractions of a meter. In the example above, the new pixels will each be .25 x .125 meters (x,y).
If the "Keep base layer resolution" option is checked, the other options are grayed out here and the highest resolution band is used.

Name New Survey

2. Name New Survey
Enter a name for the new survey. In the example above the new survey will be called GPR PCA 1.

Select Bands

3. Select Bands
The left column lists each individual band from each survey. The first part of the name indicates the name of the survey, and the second part indicates the band names and labels. When you click on these names they will be removed from the left column and added to the right, in the order in which you select them. The right hand column lists the band or bands that will become part of the new survey. The example above has selected only band 1 (B1) from the survey named GPR.
When you are done click Finished. The new survey will be added to the Survey List.
Last Updated June 15, 2011