<TODO> Insert description text here... And don't forget to add keyword for this topic
The File Menu includes project and survey management functions.
The Operations Menu includes all available operations plus options to load and save operations.
The Macros Menu lists a series of predefined operation stacks designed to process specific types of data.
Macros are not available in the first release in ArchaeoFusion. They will be added after the final software review is complete.
These might be a good starting point but every survey has nuances that need special operations. Wizards by nature can only include operations run on all tiles, so if, for example, some of your tiles need to be de-staggered this will have to be added in the appropriate place.
The Survey Menu includes tools to manage, import, and export bands and surveys.
The Tools Menu includes tools to merge and break up surveys and to launch the GPR Profile Viewer.
The Help Menu provides links to this user's manual and information about the currently installed version of ArchaeoFusion.