Basic Description: Edge uses a variety of edge detection algorithms to highlight sharp contrast changes in an image. The resulting image is binary, with edges indicated as value = 1 and all other pixels with value = 0.
Technical Details: Refer to descriptions of each algorithm.
Instructions: After choosing a selection method and making your selection on the survey, choose an algorithm and enter the parameters using the instructions below.
Canny is based on the well-known Canny edge detection algorithm. A higher Threshold will return fewer edges at a given scale. Sigma determines the size of the Gaussian filter used to smooth the image before edges are extracted.
LoG using the zero-crossings of the Laplacian of Gaussian filter to detect edges in the selected tiles. A higher Threshold will return fewer edges at a given scale. Sigma determines the size of the Gaussian filter used to smooth the image before edges are extracted.
Implements the standard directional Prewitt edge detection algorithm.
Implements the standard directional Sobel edge detection algorithm.
Implements the standard Roberts edge detection algorithm.
Zerocross using the zero-crossings of the Laplacian filter to detect edges in the selected tiles. A higher Threshold will return fewer edges. This choice is similar to LoG but does not allow smoothing.