After the Depth Adjust operation is run, you are prompted to Enter a tile name. If you entered a name in the first part of the GPR loader then the name wil appear in the box. If not, give the tile a name. When you click OK, a 3D GPR tile is being created (this may take some time, be patient).
When the tile is creaetd, the GPR Loader remains open. Choose one of the following options:
1. Click Restart. This will take you back to the beginning of the GPR Loader where you can load another set of profiles. This is the fastest way to create multiple tiles of GPR data. All of the settings from the last run-through are saved and often subsequent GPR datasets can be processed by clicking the Next button for each operation. More GPR tiles can also be added to a survey by clicking on Edit Survey and entering parameters in the Load File dialog.
2. click Done. This will take you to the Survey Tool where you can assemble GPR tiles and use the
GPR Tab to generate slices. See
Survey Tool for help with assembling a survey.